As we close out the third week of CEO, we shifted gears a little this morning… “pausing on purpose” to be mindful and reflect.

We gathered at Lakeview Nature Area & Center for a session that challenged the team to be present, be mindful of invasive thoughts, and to apply meaning to what they’re learning this year.

Team members were given a few minutes to put some meditation into practice as they wandered the grounds in solitude. They were challenged to envision their future with a writing exercise: a letter from their future selves. They were charged with being the pilot - not the passenger - of their experiences.

We were led by Carissa Kinman and Rachel Lenz in discussion, and joined by recent CEO alums Wesley McEwen and Keala Stasen for some additional advice. It was a beautiful morning for a walk in the park, and we appreciate the Macomb Park District for hosting us.

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